Friday 19 November 2010

Post 9: Post production report

We started the post production process by capturing the footage onto the editing suit computers. We then went through the footage and noted down the start time and end time of each shot into a logging rushes table which was done in a word document.

 Logging Rushes
 Once we had finished the Logging Rushes we went on to the editing stage, we looked back through the footage and looked at our logging rushes and worked out which shots were the shots we decided we were keeping. We decided which shots we were going to keep by looking at which clips had the best shot angles, lightening, and acting to see if there was any faults or errors. We started the first part of editing by cutting the footage into sections we then dragged the selected piece of footage onto the timeline, once every clip we wanted was in order and fitted well together we started to edit the sound. 

The first part of the sound editing stage is arranging the sounds levels so the footage sounds even. We added fading markers to the start and finish of each shot insuring that they are in a continuous order of up down up down. By adding in the fade markers this makes the contrasting shots volume levels sound softer with the transition.

Our final stage to the editing of our footage was adding in any final effects we wanted. The first effect we decided to add was the cross fades; we added this to the start of our footage and also to the start of our title. The cross fade blends in the start of the shot to make it visual at the end of the cross fade. The second stage was adding a title to the start of the footage and credits to the end of the footage. We used the 'add new title' tool and wrote down the text we wanted to appear, changed the colour of the font and the style. We chose the font in the picture below because it looked snazzy and was attention grabbing; we chose the colour blue as the genre of our film is sad so we thought blue would be a good colour to represent this. For the credits I used the same tool expect clicked on 'moving title' we once again wrote the text we wanted to appear and selected it too start of screen and finish of screen so it rolled like credits. In the picture below we have the credits as just plan white so it stands out and people watching the clip notice it.

We wanted to include some music to the start of our footage and the end, unfortunatley we ran out of time, we also wasn’t prepared when we came to editing to add music as we hadn’t chosen any and didn’t have a clip with us. We changed the font style of our title and took away the shadow so it was clearer and looked more professional. We also changed the credits so the title of each credit came up with the same colour as the font in the title so it matched and looked professional.

This is the start of our editing process this picture is of the time line

This is part of the music viewing

On this clip we have added the cross fade to our footage

In this clip we are adding the fade markers

This is a preview of our title

This is a prewiev of our credits

Tuesday 2 November 2010

Post 8: Pre-Production Report

The first shoot didnt got well, we asked the owner of the location if there room was free to use but couldnt find her to get the key, we finally found he and she told us it would be free but she was using her room. This was a problem as it made us behind oh shooting, we recovered this problem by booking a time and and planning when to get the key with the owner to insure that everything went to plan an we could film.

We started filming and everything went well, we had to move some objects in her room which were in the way of shots and when filming outside the room we were very weary of other pupils passing by. We planned to finish all the filming in the same session but unfortunatly wasnt able to film some close ups she we made sure the actors were wearing the same outfits to prevent any contuinity and filmed in the next avaible time slot.

We worked very well as a time and this helped us get the filming done quickly we helpped eachother out with what looks best and what if the shot sizes were right ect. 

From watching it back we focused on looking at the amount of head room and spair space in each shot according to what we planned on our story board, we checked that all the shots we had were suitable to take forward to editing. There was a problem when looking back as we thought the close up we did were close ups but they were actually medium shots so the variety of shots werent as many as we wanted.