Friday 17 September 2010

Post 2:Storyboard Drawing, Shot Sizes, and Framing

Post 2: Storyboard, Shot Sizes and Framing

Here is my Storyobard work, I have drawn every shot size that is usuable when filming, and the shots needed when filming a coversation between too people.

Photos representing the shot sizes

Here are photos representing the shot sizes used when filming.

'Long Shot'


'Reverse Shot'

'Extreme Close Up'

'Close Up'

'Medium Close Up'

'Medium Long Shot'

Rule of Thirds Research
 The rule of thirds is a principle where you break the image into 3rds vertically and horizontally this will break the image into 9 sections. By using the rule of thirds it indicates the four main points of interest you should focus on as the main areas of the image. By having a main feature on the line people will be drawn to that feature of the picture.

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