Friday 17 December 2010

MAIN- POST 1- Conventions of an Opening Sequence

From looking at a couple of opening sequences of films I have worked out what the conventions are of most opening sequences. All opening sequences have text bringing up the most important peoples names, these are usually the most famous actors/actresses, producer and direct. The opening sequences usually have images or clips of the film and they are mainly little clips letting an in site on the film to the audience. Different genres of films will use different colour schemes for instance most horror films have a lot of black and grey colours to give a gloomy effect whereas family films and comedies are bright and colourful.  The last convention is music from watching the clips the title sequences include music this also goes with the genre of the film, action films having quite upbeat music whereas romantic films have soft acoustic music.

This is a comedy, alot of comdies have cartoon clips like this as there title sequence and have bright happy colours to reflect the genre through colour, the music was also happy bubbly music.

This is a horror film, a lot of horror films are very dark and gloomy with colours like grey and black, these are rarly in cartoon and mostly motion pictures to make it more realistic and scary

Post 12: Independent work towards targets

  • To be more creative when scriptwriting
This website was very helpful when trying to be more creative with writing scripts as it gives good tips to make sure you are being creative and writing something that is interesting.

Wednesday 15 December 2010

Post 11: Targets

  • To be more creative when chosing a storyline
  • Plan the availble time more efficiently
  • More detailed script writing
  • Practice different shot sizes so we get them right in the next task

Friday 3 December 2010

Post 10:Evaluation

From studying media studies in GCSE I already had the skill needed at A-level. I already knew how to use the camera/film how to do the pre-production and how to use the editing suits. So from the preliminary task i have improved the skills I already had and learnt so extra areas of the course like post-production which we didn’t do last year.

From watching the clip and analyzing it our group decided that we could of improved on the shot sizes that we took, some of the shot sizes be planned to have aren’t the same in the clip. I think we had problems with the footage according to shot sizes as we rushed some of the footage as the room we chose was hard to get to and in frequent use. Another problem we have noticed from looking back at the footage is lightening, I think we could of worked on the lighting and thought and planned better whether the lightening looks good and how we could improve it.