Monday 21 March 2011

MAIN POST 9: Production

We decided to film across one day as everyone was available and it would be quieter outside as it wasn't a popular time for traffic to disrupt our outside filming. We also decided to film on a day my parents were at work as we needed the drive free from cars.

We decided to film outside first as it was around 12:00 lunch time and it was the lightest part of the day and less traffic was around. Some pedestrians did get in the way when filming and we had to stop and wait until they were out of site of our shots. There is some noise from a van that parked near where we were filming which may have interrupted our clip a little bit.

When filming inside when had to change some of our shot sizes that we had planned to do for instance when she's in the room its hard to get the right shot size as you cant move as round if there isn't much room, we also had trouble with lightening as it was quite a dull day most of the footage is quite dark, we tried using the artificial lighting that was already available but it didn't make much difference. Some of the angles were quite tricky to film for instance the low angle shot where JENNY puts her feet down from the bed I had to go under the bed to film. Another tricky shot to film was when JENNY is throwing her tights at a box of tampons, we had to do about 10 retakes of this as our actress couldn't actually make the tights fall off, we tried using different angles and pushing them off but that didn't work as could see the person pushing them off. In the end we shot her throwing the tights then i stood near to the tights and out of shot and threw them so they fell. 

We also had a problem when JENNY has to have a title on the back of the pillow, every time she rolled over you couldn't see the title clear enough so we decided that she rolls over but sits up so we get a close up of the title. This clip was also very dark and needed to be done more than once.

Overall i feel the filming went quite well, we managed to film it within 3 hours and we only need one lot of filming which is very beneficial as it gives us more time to edit, i feel that if we'd planned our shooting a bit better then it would of gone a bit more smoothly but most of the problems were ones that we had no control over.

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