Thursday 21 April 2011

12a: Audience Feedback

Part 1: Rough Cut
Audience feedback Clip:

We showed our rough cut to 3 16-17 year old girls, we decided to use this gender and age as our target audience were teenage girls. The feedback we got back from the rough cut was that the opening sequence was quite tedious and some shots were longer than they needed to be. They also said that some clips for instance ones with words in were too quick and didn't allow the audience enough time to read the words/ paragraph. Some positive feedback was that our focus group liked how we included some of the titles into the opening sequence and actions of the actress, for instance we have her spit her toothpaste out and as she comes up the name of the actress is on the mirror, they said they found this a convention of the genre we chose which was Rom-Com. We hadn't chosen music by the time we showed them the rough cut and they said they'd expect something upbeat and bubbly.

Part 2: Final Cut
Audience feedback clip:

We showed our final cut to the same 3 girls so they could tell us our improvements or things that they thought wasn't very good. The feedback was good they said they know found it less boring as we managed to cut ot roughly 2 minutes they also said that our choice of music worked well and also helped to make the final cut much for gripping and interesting. 
From others watching the final cut we got some feedback, they said that they liked how the final cut had a lot jump cuts in it as this is a convention of rom-com and they found that it made the opening sequence more bubbly and happy.

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