Thursday 21 April 2011

MAIN POST 12.1:In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Our titles also help with displaying the genre of the opening sequence as many of them are include as objects in the clip for instance we have a title put on a fridge with magnets. We have developed the title conventions of our opening sequence as for instance in 10 Things I Hate About You  the titles of the film are edited in over the top, but are in the style and font of a hand written/ graffiti writting this is where we got our idea for developing the genre convention for titles.

Our opening sequence starts with our main character girl called Jenny waking up to an alarm this is conventional as quite a few romantic comedies start by showing how the character is going to outline there day or even just waking up and it being the start of the day, she then turns over taking her pillow over to show our first title "Kings Langley Productions". All of our titles are also pink and grey its conventional for romantic comedies titles to by light baby pinks or blues or red to signify love so we decided to use pink as its girly and silver as it matches our bracelet with the title of the film on it which is in grey. 
This is one of our titles which is in capture in the opening sequence

This is an example of our edited titles

Our opening sequence is quite jumpy and doesn’t flow very well and at the end where our character Jenny is running down the road we have cut the shot and cross dissolved it onto the next clip this shows time and is conventional of a romantic comedy and they are usually quite jumpy. A convention of romantic comedies is showing the character deal with a problem our character has problems finding tights without holes in them and being ready for work on time she falls over on magazines on the floor this is also conventional as it gives an element of comedy. We have shown her room being a mess and unorganised as we wanted to show how personality making her life more problematic for herself, its conventional for instance in Bridget Jones she is quite clumsy and messy and scatty and this is how we wanted to show our character.  

Screen shot of our character displaying clumsiness

The music for our opening sequence is conventional as it is bubbly, romantic comedies have happy music usually love songs, we also didn’t include much dialogue from watching the opening sequence they don’t usually talk as it is just about setting the scene, our character does say "shit" once and this is like the film 4 weddings and a funeral where they swear throughout the opening sequence she also makes annoyed noises to show she is annoyed and angry with her clumsiness which is conventional personality for a character in a romantic comedy. 
This is a expression shot after some dialoque

We have a narrative enigma in our opening sequence our character Jenny is texting her male friend and emailing her boss but accidently sends the text to her boss, these types of enigmas are conventional in Romantic comedies where they set up a love interest and occupation within the opening sequence through a narrative enigma.  

This is the narrative enigma

We have used a variety of shots in our opening sequence such as low angle shots and close up, many romantic comedies use close up to signify important points that will appear or link later on in the film, our camera is conventional as we use a variety of shot sizes and angles to point out important parts and makes it look natural as the angles are basic.

This is low angle shot from under a bed

1 comment:

  1. i've just received an e-mail from Youtube claiming that your music is owned by Go Digital. You need a new soundtrack and fast. It must be re-edited on Tuesday / wednesday at the latest.
    Please spread the word to the rest of your team. Shipp
