Friday 7 January 2011

MAIN POST 2- Choosing your genre

1. From one of the tables of this website it shows what percent of film genres are most popular these are:

  • Drama-30.7%
  • Action Adventure-16.2%
  • Romance-12.4%
  • Comdey-10.5%

From my findings I found that drama, action adventure, romance and comedy are the top 4 most popular genres of films. Talking as a group and looking at the findings we have been influenced too use the rom-com genre for our opening sequence. We decided this because we know the most about Rom-com films and from the findings romance is 3rd and comdey is 4th so it will target two groups instead of one and hopefully it will be good as we are aiming it at a higher percent of people.

This is our questionnaire that we designed 

From comparing the results of our questionnaires as a group we have found that romantic comedies are the most popular film genre.  Quite a few people also said they would like to see more horror films in the cinema. As romantic comedies were the most popular film genre the group and I have chosen to do this genre for our opening sequence, hopefully it will be up to the standards as real film opening sequences.

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