Tuesday 11 January 2011

MAIN POST 3/ 3a - Research into Opening Sequence Designs

Main post 3:
I watched these two interviews and took notes so I can rethink our choices for the opening sequence and see if the interviews will help with how we are going to do our opening sequence

Kyle Cooper Interview (Part 1)
Kyle Cooper Interview (Part 2)

I got a lot of information from the two clips that has been helpful the most important point that Kyle made that I think is important that when making an opening sequence people know they can get an outline of the story from the opening sequence so this is what they expect. The second important point is that the opening sequence has to set up expectations and has to be exciting it is vital to draw the audience in.
Kyle helped to give some good tips with how to link conventions with the genre for instance he said typography has to integrate with the genre this is very important as it will help with setting the story to the audience. Another point that he made was that simple can work and if it’s done right it can work well. And finally music, music is also an important area to look at and music needs to be matched with the genre to ensure that the opening sequence is giving what the audience wants.

From what Kyle has said our thoughts for our opening sequence matched quite well with what we want as its going to quite simply and we have already chosen music that links the genre. Kyle also said that people like to watch opening sequences and think i wish i could do that or be them so we could include something that would make them think that

3a Further research into opening sequences:

From watching opening sequences I have noticed that quite a few don’t use any dialogue in the opening sequence and just music I feel that this draws you into the opening sequence as you pay more attention to what happens an example of this would be 'The shinning'.

I have also noticed that most opening sequences use simple typography, in films like ‘The Shinning’ and Blade using simple typography works if you want to aim your audience’s attention towards the images or events in the opening sequence, as most the time it’s more important than the text. I think that whether the text is simple or not depends on the genre.  

Another thing I have noticed is that many opening sequences show the setting of the film first ‘The shinning’ does this and ends up at the location of the film. I think this can work well depending on the setting if it interesting then it works, I think that by showing the setting it also gives a chance for the audience to make up their decision on what they think the films genre is.

I have also noticed that quite a lot of title sequences have conventions the same as as cartoons http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ignl1WwvyiU the 'Human Factor' is an old cartoon styled title sequence and a new versions is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nfc9GLxlhEw, there isn't much different between these title sequences expect the quality and I think this is an important point as filmed title sequence can look out of date but cartoon styled ons will always be in fashion. A lot of Rom-Com title sequences are in this cartoon style, as Rom-Com is our chosen genre its hard to compare cartoon ones to what we plan do to as we wont be able to make a cartoon title sequence. An example of this would be Juno.

From watching other opening sequences from students I have noticed that quite a lot of them have placed the text at the bottom of the screen and it is quite unclear an example of this problem is in this opening sequence http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYZFuSZQj-0 other than that I thought this opening sequence was a good example of a thriller.
This clip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WYpnaWzJbE i liked the use of different camera angels for instance the one inside the fridge looking out on the girl. There were some problems I feel would have made the footage much better, this was that the sound effects were quite loud like footsteps and general noises I also didn't notice and typography. I found this clip I thought it was very good http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEMHlIlrZH8 I liked the use of the black background then having two boxes of different clips this worked well as they merged the clips out and changed the sizes. The typography was also very visual in this clip and it didn't stop me taking everything in, this clip had a good balance between footage and text.


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