Tuesday 25 January 2011

MAIN POST 6: History of chosen genre

Romantic comidies first appeared in the ancient greece, many comdies involved sexual or social elements. But it wasnt untill medieval times untill romantic comdies really became know or given there name, many of the stories would involve a knights fighting on behalf of ladies. Romantic comedies weren't truly found until after the Victorian era when sex became more open and the film industry developed. This hype for romantic comedies carried on through until about the 1960's but romantic comedies big comeback was in the 80's/90's with films such as 'When Harry met Sally' and 'Pretty Women'. 

This is one of the earlies romantic comedies which was made 1924 which was a silent film.

Breakfast at Tiffany's is a very popular romantic comedy even to this date, it was made in 1961.

A man in a suit stands back to back with a woman wearing in a short skirt and thigh high boots.
Pretty Women also did very well, it was made in the 1990's and appears on the top grossing list for romantic comedies

This is a more recent romantic comedy which was made in 2004, it is a very popular film.

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