Tuesday 3 May 2011

MAIN Post 12.4: Who would be the audience for your media product?

Our Romantic Comedy involve a young women, as the main character is a young women this immediately targets women of the same age about young teens to mid 20's maybe 30's. Romantic Comedies are a lot more popular with women then men you do get a small percent of men watching them due to them being the partner of the girl watching it. Our target audience would be interested in fashion as the main character has a job at a fashion magazine so there would be a lot about her job in the film. Also people who enjoy love stories would be among our target audience and people who enjoy funny things and laughing.

This girl is 19 for example she looks after her looks and obviously cares about her image, she will be at university, college or may even have a job and would have friends mixture of girls and boys the same age she might have a boyfriend the same age or a bit older this would help he related to the romantic parts of the film. She'll probably live with her parents or at university. 

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