Tuesday 3 May 2011

MAIN Post 12.7: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

In this section of my evaluation i have been asked to look back on my preliminary task and compare it to my final opening sequence and comment on what i have learnt or improved on.

Compared to our preliminary task our idea this time was a lot more complex
I used a better variety of shot sizes a including low angle shot which I didn't use in my preliminary task. One of the main points to our preliminary task was developing our skills on continuity, we did find some problems with continuity in our opening sequence as we had quite a few jump cuts but likely its conventional of romantic comedies to have jump cuts so when it came to editing we were able to add titles and edit out all of the continuity problems and replace them with jump cuts.

I also developed my skills further on the editing suite and learnt how to edit the lightening of the shot by making it darker or lighter. Because a lot of our shots were quite dark we had to learn how to lightening them the picture above shows us using the software to lighten the clip we wanted.

In our preliminary we didnt have any opening credits with music, so in this task it was a new experience learning about what music we were allowed and what we weren't. I learnt that all music that artist sing are copy-righted unless they are on a website. You can also buy cd's with uncopy-righted music on them but we had a problem when we thought the music from the cd was un-copyrighted but we found out it was already owned, so from that experience i now know to double check and be extra carefull wether the music is copy-righted or not.

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