Tuesday 3 May 2011

MAIN Post 12.5:How did you attract/address your audience?

This part of our opening sequence attracts our audience as it is an enigma they want to know what happens with the love interest and whether the boss says anything about the text and what will happen in the film and rest of the opening sequence

Throughout the opening sequence we have our main character getting ready and this will also attract the audience as they will want to know what is she getting ready for.

Our titles are also good for attracting the audience as they are bright and colourful and will interest the audience

Our music also helped to attract the audience as it is catching and makes the opening sequence seem fun and quirky it also helps on adding suspense to see where the rest of the opening sequence is going.

To get audience feedback on our film we went around school too find people that were free at the time which fitted to our target audience. We found 3 girls who were either 16 or 17 which was the youngest band of our age range. Also whilst editing we showed some students who happened to be around to give some feedback 1 was and 18 year old girl and the other 19 year old boy.

From analysing the guidelines on the http://www.bbfc.co.uk/download/guidelines/BBFC%20Classification%20Guidelines%202009.pdf website and comparing them to our opening sequence I have decided that our opening sequence is a 12a this is because of the swearing in the title sequence, because it has moderate swearing it wouldn't be suitable for children under 12 unless the adult with them thinks its suitable for them to watch, our opening sequence has no violence,drug use, nudity,sexual scenes, violence, horror or imitable behaviour.

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