Tuesday 3 May 2011

MAIN Post 12.6:What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

We had to learn how to use the camera and tripod safety as once we had the equipment we had full responsibility and learning the skills with how to use it would minimise the equipment breaking. I had some previous knowledge of how to use the tripod and camera, I had a little knowledge on how to use the editing suite but I developed my skills I learnt how to add a soundtrack, change the lighting make it brighter and how to cut sound and replace it with other sound. I also learnt her to take pictures of the whole room and put them together to make it look like you can see around the whole thing. And finally how to use a flip camera.

We also used internet technologies these have been highly helpful such as Youtube, without the use of youtube we wouldn't of been able to do research for romantic comedies and we wouldnt have been able to but our finished products and focus groups on our blog as we need youtube to upload them too. We also used Divx to upload the opening sequence to first to make it small enough to fit on to youtube as they are a big file. An also very important technology is Blogger it self this has been where we have put up all of our work, at times some things havent worked on her but it has been helpful to use as our work will also be on here and you cant lose it. Google has also been used a lot for research and finding pictures for the blog and just genrel information. I used unsigned band web to find music that isn't copy-righted, it allowed you to pick genres and that helpped so you can find exactly what you want. I used microsoft word to write all of my blog and to save pictures, in also used powerpoint to make mood boards and to save pictures to a jpg file so i can upload it which is a skill i have learnt.

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